

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


"Whisper" is actually the title track for this album but I didn't want it to have the exact same name for that is a pain in the ass.
This track is kind of a spiritual journey - getting closer to God (or the light) and longing for answers to what my place in this world is and why the world is... the way it is.
[MUSICALLY]> Lots of choir- lots of Jonsona on acoustic guitar - operatic vocals - and old world drums (if that makes sense) that I'm sure I'll get matched third party content for on Youtube ;)
"Moist" is sort of "the dirty song" but as it references being "moist" with anticipation sexually, it really is about having anticipation for intellectual conversation and true love - it's quirky!
[MUSICALLY]> Hiphop-esque and Techno-esque with electronic woman loops 
"Balancing Act" is about balancing disappointment in life (LIKE NO ONE LISTENING TO MY RECORDS OR GIVING ME A CHANCE AS AN ARTIST) with appreciating how I am also very blessed in this life too. 
[MUSICALLY]> Slow paced, simple drum loops, "blippy"
"I Fit In Nowhere" is just about... that! Jonny has never fit into any one category or label (like so many other people do) - Gay world? not really - Straight world? - not really - Sell out flaky artist types? - Nope - etc...
[MUSICALLY]> Nine Inch Nails-esque drum loops with some techno-y sounds and an orchestral type bass line.
"Talking To The Spiders" is about how when I was a teenager about to leave home or the first time and go out into the world, I would go down this trap door in my closet to the basement and talk to the spiders about stuff, thinking the world was an amazing place and people would be interesting and kind and couldn't wait to experience that - cut to 20+ years later and realizing that was not the case!
[MUSICALLY]> Pretty fast tempo, house drum loops with low bass, flowy and dreamy sounds, choir and violins.
"I Promised Your Mother" is a Bypass Ratio remake of a song I did about my beautiful friend Liz, who passed away young, in a car accident in 2011. I felt with the better technology Jonsona has now, the song needed to be redone in a higher quality, than the original.
[MUSICALLY]> It will still have viola and piano like the original but a slower pace this time, with choir and more acoustic guitar by Jonsona and many many operatic vocals and much softer drum loop.
"Ghost Of You" is about remembering old lovers who didn't work out or died and about others that have passed away but there is still a ghost of them there.
[MUSICALLY]> Simple and mainstream pop drum loop with haunting guitar loop and violin loop riffs and orchestral bass line - very dramatic! ;)

"Go F Yourself" aka Go Fuck Yourself" is the "attitude song" that every Jonsona album must have ;) - It is basically about people who have treated me badly in this life. Simple :P
[MUSICALLY]> Lots of fast acoustic guitar by Jonsona, a fast tempo club beat drum loop.
"Artificial Stimulation" is about basically, if you can't find love, honesty and stuff like that, you just have to rely on artificial stimulation to find happiness but it's a little more complicated than that - you'll just have to listen!
[MUSICALLY]> Slower paced mellow club beats with some dreamy sounds - this is actually my favorite music on the album and this track ties the whole album together.
This will also be the first "instrumental version" to be released from the album.
All of my albums are kind of "heavy" but this is more melancholy than "dark" and I just don't want to do songs about stupid shit - so, there ya go! ;)
Whisper Angel should be released sometime this July
~peace~ J.

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